Great Giant Foods (GGF) adalah entitas merek Grup Gunung Sewu untuk pemain makanan terintegrasi vertikal terkemuka yang membudidayakan, memproduksi, mengirimkan buah-buahan segar dan olahan, jus, daging, dan produk susu. Saat ini Great Giant Foods (GGF) sedang membuka lowongan kerja Management Trainee.
Setiap unit bisnis GGF didirikan dengan prinsip pertanian terpadu yang berkelanjutan. Ini memungkinkan organisasi untuk memiliki pengawasan penuh di seluruh rantai pasokan kami.
Didirikan pada tahun 1973 sebagai Umas Jaya Farm di Provinsi Lampung, Sumatera Selatan. Pelanggan utamanya adalah industri makanan dan minuman serta aplikasi non-makanan di Asia. Perusahaan berganti nama menjadi Umas Jaya Agrotama (UJA) pada tanggal 12 September 1990 dengan total kapasitas produksi saat ini sebesar 54.000 ton pati per tahun.
Daftar isi
Lowongan Kerja Great Giant Foods (GGF)
Saat ini Great Giant Foods membuka rekrutmen lowongan kerja untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
FF & GTM Supply Chain Development Program
What is Fresh Fruit & Go To Market Supply Chain Development Program?
- A structured development program focused on bringing out the best potential in high qualified individuals with superior leadership & management potential to be prepared as Fresh Fruits & Go To Market Supply Chain Future Leader.
Job Description :
1. Trainee Program:
- Participate in a structured rotational program across multiple departments within the supply chain.
- Following training, workshops, mentoring and coaching sessions to enhance supply chain knowledge and skills.
- Participate in performance evaluations and feedback sessions to track progress and development.
- Build and maintain relationships with colleagues at all levels of the organization.
2. Daily Operation Support & Collaboration:
- Running daily operations and actively contribute to departmental projects.
- Collaborate with department heads and team members to gain insights into department-specific processes.
- Work closely with various departments to understand their functions and interdependencies.
- Participate in cross-functional team meetings to gain a comprehensive view of the business.
3. Data Analysis & Process Improvement:
- Analyze data and generate reports to support decision-making processes.
- Identify areas for process improvement and propose innovative solutions.
4. Project Management & Monitoring:
- Lead or contribute to special projects aimed at enhancing operational efficiency and effectiveness.
- Manage project timelines, deliverables, and resources to ensure successful project completion.
- Evaluate and communicate project progress and results to stakeholders effectively.
Qualifications :
- Minimum Bachelor Degree from Industrial Enginering, Logistics, Food Technology and Related background.
- GPA : 3.00 / 4.00
- Fresh Graduates or maximal 2 years work experience
- Fluent in English for both verbal & written
- Ready and available for deployment across Java
Tata Cara Melamar:
Jika kalian memenuhi kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan dan berminat untuk bergabung silahkan daftarkan diri melalui Link berikut ini :
- Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan, karena lowongan pekerjaan ini gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun
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