Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat salah satu perwakilan negara dari Amerika Serikat di Indonesia untuk menjaga hubungan diplomatik saat ini sedang membuka lowongan kerja. Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat untuk Republik Indonesia terletak di Jakarta tepat di sebelah selatan Monas di Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan. Bangunan aslinya dirancang oleh arsitek Ceko Antonin Raymond dan Ladislav Rado. Berikut ini adalah Lowongan Kerja Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat (AS) di Indonesia.
Perwakilan diplomatik, misi diplomatik atau kedutaan adalah sekelompok orang dari suatu negara atau organisasi (sebagai negara/organisasi pengirim) yang hadir di negara lain (sebagai negara penerima) untuk mewakili secara resmi negara atau organisasi pengirim di negara penerima. Secara singkat, perwakilan diplomatik adalah orang-orang yang ditunjuk untuk melakukan hubungan diplomatik dengan negara lain.
Kedutaan besar adalah perwakilan diplomatik yang umumnya berlokasi di ibu kota negara lain, yang menawarkan berbagai layanan diplomatik, termasuk layanan konsuler.
Lowongan Kerja Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat (AS) di Indonesia
Saat ini Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat (AS) di Indonesia memberikan kesempatan lowongan kerja untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
Daftar isi
Foreign National Student Intern Program (FNSIP)
- We are seeking current university students in Indonesia to join our internship program at the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, the U.S. Mission to ASEAN in Jakarta, and the U.S. Consulates in Surabaya and Medan.
- 2024 FNSIP: The 2024 Foreign National Student Intern Program (FNSIP) is geared toward Indonesian students attending Indonesian universities that provides an educational and cultural experience, working with various agencies/sections to support the Bi-Mission goals. This opportunity is available for Indonesian students who are in their 5th semester in any Indonesian university and have a minimum GPA of 2.75. Please note that English proficiency is required, and the selected intern(s) must be available to join the program offline. Opportunities are open for all degree programs. However, please note that some vacancies may require specific knowledge or specific educational background.
Authority :
- Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 3111 (implemented in 5 CFR Part 308), a student participating in the FNSIP is not an employee of the U.S. Mission, or the U.S. Department of State, or the United States Government (USG) for any purpose other than internship. The interns are not eligible for salary, leave accrual, employee benefits, nor any future employment rights.
Minimum Eligibility Criteria :
- Indonesian citizen
- Minimum 18 years old
- Current university student with minimum GPA of 2.75
- Students must be in their 3rd year of a bachelor’s program or in 1st year of a master’s program
- Students must have personal medical insurance during the internship program (BPJS or others)
Internship Dates :
- The internship program will start from June 10, 2024, and run through September 06, 2024 (12 weeks) and/or through October 4, 2024 (16 weeks), depending on the program
1. General Service Office (GSO) – Customer Service Center (CSC)
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- Receive visitors to the CSC and answers general inquiries about procedures, regulations, and post policies. Answers phone calls and responds to incoming e-mails.
- Provide administrative support for arrival and departure of employees.
- Liaise with vendors (potable water delivery, internet and communication provider, gas delivery, etc) to resolve customers inquiries.
- Update CSC informational materials to include pamphlets, booklets, sharepoint site, extranet, etc.
- Provide routine administrative support for CSC.
2. General Service Office (GSO) – Property and Warehouse (PAW)
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- Assist with the production of how-to videos for residential appliances and equipment. This may include analysis of common maintenance and troubleshooting that residents may have perform on appliances and safety equipment.
- The final product is to be posted on the GSO Know customer service SharePoint.
3. General Service Office (GSO) – Shipping and Customs (Shipping)
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- Assist with the data entry needs for incoming and outgoing personal-owned vehicles through the busy summer transition season.
- The intern must be adept at operation Windows-based applications that help GSO Shipping and Customs manage the registration and licensing process of American diplomat’s Personal of Vehicle (POV).
- Help assist the S&C unit inform clients concerning the importation and exportation of their personal effects.
4. Foreign Commercial Service (FCS)
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- Support organizational efforts for a major trade show hosted in Jakarta and the related Commercial Service side activities arranged for the incoming business delegations.
- Recruitment and promotion of U.S. trade shows, including identifying and reaching out to local companies interested in joining the buyer delegations.
- Support implementation of trade missions, reverse trade missions, and workshop series, including logistics/organization, analysis and research, and reporting.
- Analysis and research into the local market opportunities and landscape for U.S. companies across multiple industry sectors.
5. Office of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL)
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- The intern can expect to gain familiarity with each of our lines of effort, assisting program specialists engage with grantees and review their reports about INL-funded programs.
- The intern will assist in communicating with various Indonesian government agencies and in organizing and scheduling Indonesian officials’ participation in INL-funded training, both within Indonesia and abroad.
- The intern will be given one larger project, to include attending a grantee-led training or conference and then writing an assessment of the event(s).
6. Public Affairs Section (Cultural Office)
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- Support the youth/YSEALI team on logistical preparation for interviews, pre-departure orientations, and debriefings with groups of exchange participants.
- Package photos, videos, and other materials to create social media posts and internal reports highlighting American and Indonesian exchange experiences.
- Use alumni databases to create youth outreach strategies nationwide to ensure geographical diversity.
- Support Program Team activities, including visiting speakers, artists, and grant activities.
- Assisting in preparing YSEALI Regional Workshop Indonesia 2024 and promoting U.S. and Indonesian educational ties.
7. Public Affairs Section (Information Office-Digital Team)
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- The intern will create digital content for the Embassy’s various social media platforms, including preparing infographics, short videos, animation, and/or short write-ups for social media.
- The intern is expected to use video editing and photo editing tools such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Canva, etc. to edit content.
- The intern is expected to be content creators, responsible for producing, and actively participate in the engaging and relevant content created for use in the Embassy’s social media outreach.
- The intern is expected to serve as a production assistant for content development, which could include working on subtitles, assisting with filming, and helping with logistics for content development.
8. Public Affairs Section (Information Office-Press & Media Team)
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- The intern is expected to help with the translation of press related products e.g., press releases, press statements, photo releases, scripts for video shoots, etc.
- The intern is expected to help the press and media team manage press events, including press conferences, one-on-one interviews with Embassy officials, and press roundtables.
- The intern is expected to help the press and media team update our internal news outlet and journalist database.
- The intern is expected to help the press media team liaise with students from communication/journalism departments and student press for events or programming.
9. Economic Section
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- Monitor and report on blue carbon issues, marine conservation, and capture fisheries in Indonesia, including legislation and developments that impact coastal ecosystems.
- Attend conferences and seminars on the topics as mentioned above and draft official/informal notes.
- Support official visits and activities, including coordinating Indonesian participation in USG-sponsored trainings and workshops.
- Other duties as assigned.
10. Political Section
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- Write cables on Indonesia’s domestic politics, foreign policy, political military affairs, counterterrorism, and human rights related issues.
- Collect/Update bios of high-ranking military officers and Indonesia government officials.
- Manage trackers on foreign engagement with Indonesia.
- Track and report on terrorist releases and sentencing.
- Assist with drafting the Congressionally mandated annual Human Rights report, Trafficking in Persons Report, and International Religious Freedom Report.
- Maintain Trafficking in Persons tracker.
- Track engagement with think tank organizations.
- Update organization structure of ministry of foreign affairs.
11. Digital Technology Office
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- Participants will work on projects in IT infrastructure installations and maintenance, systems administration, customer engagement, and application development.
- Opportunities exist for students with educational backgrounds in Computer Science, Network Administration, Cybersecurity, Systems Administration, or Software Engineering.
- Knowledge & Experience with Cisco networking, Microsoft server management, Java & C# Programming, SQL database, and/or Graphical design is desired. Those candidates without previous knowledge in these fields will be introduced to entry-level activities that will help prepare them for future employment opportunities within the IT industry.
- Diverse and wide-ranging projects and training opportunities will prepare interns for employment with governmental and international organizations.
12. Economic Section
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- Organize ECON share-drive folder to minimize time needed to find documents. Ensure all documents follow the same catalog system. Organize paper files in the office.
- Take notes at ECON-related meetings.
- Draft research proposals.
- Assist with Jakarta-based ECON events (ASEAN calendar, USASEAN events, etc).
- Create and update excel catalog of key Economic contacts – names, titles, notes. Work with ECON officers and Local Employee (LE) Staff to compile key list that can assist with turnover of American staff.
- Assist with administrative tasks as needed such as Motor Pool, representative events & funds, office supplies, meeting rooms, and travel arrangements.
- Carry out economic analysis on USASEAN economic cooperation areas, assist with cross-verifying econ and statistics data.
- Weekly paper or presentation on area of interest to the USASEAN Econ team.
13. Political Section
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- Support the Political Assistant in his full range of duties.
- Monitor local media for developments related to ASEAN and report them to officers via Local Employee (LE) staff.
- Attend outside events, take notes, and draft summary reports.
- Assist with various tasks related to external meetings and visitors from Washington.
- Assist officers in the logistical and operational planning of summits.
- Complete special research projects on ASEAN-related topics as needed and directed.
14. Public Affairs Section
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- Draft messages and schedule social media posting or email campaigns for the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) program.
- Create graphics, edit videos, and create video contents for social media posting.
- Contribute creative and innovative ideas for upcoming events or programs.
- Assist with managing office souvenirs.
- Assist with U.S.-ASEAN alumni database and outreach.
15. Political and Economic Section
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- The intern will learn and work with the Political and Economic (P/E) staff at the U.S. Consulate General Surabaya.
- The intern will be responsible for assisting the P/E section of the Consulate to organize political and economic programs and meetings throughout the Consular district.
- The intern will work with P/E staff to collect data on political and economic conditions in eastern Indonesia, support political and economic section meetings, draft summaries on political and economic topics, and conduct political and economic outreach.
16. General Service Office Property and Warehouse Section
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- This position is for currently enrolled college students with an interest in logistic and/or management supply chain.
- The intern will learn and work with Property Accounting and Warehousing (PAW) staff at U.S. Consulate General Surabaya.
- The intern will be responsible for assisting MGT/GSO-PAW section to manage expendable and non-expendable property.
- The intern will work with Receiving Clerk to manage incoming goods and engage in receiving process.
- The intern will work with Expendable Clerk to manage expendable property and loanable property.
- The intern will work with Property Clerk to collect and record data of transferred non-expendable property.
17. U.S. Consulate Medan
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- Under guidance of the Consul and local staff, the intern performs online research and analysis on political and economic trends in the Consulate district, comprised of the 10 provinces on Sumatra.
- Prepares brief written reports on issues and daily news summaries.
- Accompany the Consulate team for local meetings with official and civil society leaders, serves as notetaker, and assist with informal interpretation as needed.
- May translate written remarks or messages. Supports event preparation and may perform routine clerical tasks.
18. Executive Office (EXO)
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- Assist with the redesign, retooling, and roll out of USAID’s internal website to provide customers with user-friendly platforms for ease of accessing commonly used materials.
- Review of USAID Indonesia Operations Policy for accuracy and applicability. Verification and reconciliation of Mission IT assets, report, and finalize disposition plan.
19. Economic Growth and Education (EGE)
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- Research, analyze, and synthesize public information related to specific development topics, including climate finance, workforce development, digital development, private sector engagement, higher education, and other sectors as needed.
- Assist EGE staff on project management related tasks, including electronic filing, project monitoring, program evaluation, communications, reporting materials, and other related items as needed.
- Propose, develop, and initiate events, activities, and social media campaigns in coordination with EGE and other USAID staff.
- Support EGE staff in various work tasks, including project management, program design, and stakeholder relations.
- Attend weekly EGE meetings and other office meetings.
20. Health Office (HEA)
The intern will assist the office with the following set of duties for 2 units at the Health Office. Please see below for details:
a. Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and Health System Strengthening (HSS) teams:
- Support the MCH and HSS team with monitoring the implementation activities.
- Review Monitoring and Evaluation plans (e.g., targets, achievements, etc.) and semi/annual activity reports.
- Attend technical meetings and developing minutes meeting and follow ups.
- Support the baseline, work plan development and monitoring of activity implementation (e.g., learning labs for primary health care).
b. Infectious Diseases teams:
- Support the ID team on the implementation of the programs.
- Join the technical meetings and developing minutes meeting and follow ups.
- Support data collection for developing factsheet, provincial geo location, success stories/best practice, mapping of GHS activities.
- Support the closing events of GHS projects.
21. Office of Financial Management
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- Collaborate with experienced Office of Financial Management (OFM) professionals to gain comprehensive exposure to various United States Government (USG) financial management systems.
- Take part in presentation preparation, communication strategy and workshop organization skills through hands-on involvement.
- Actively contribute to filling system improvements alongside OFM staff.
- Participate in internal control assessments and capacity-building initiatives for implementing partners.
22. Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA)
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- Monitor disasters, disaster impact, and response.
- Update and file monitoring reports and program trackers.
- Compile notes and draft reports and information products for the disaster risk reduction programs.
- Assist with administration tasks such as organizing regional meeting, consultations, and public events on disaster risk reduction.
23. Environment Office (ENV)
The intern will engage in program, communications and administrative activities.
1. Program
- Participate in work plan development meetings for water, solid waste management projects and marine programs. Identify priorities, create meeting summaries, and liaise with implementing partners and local government for follow-up activities and studies.
- Conduct research and evaluations for projects, including but not limited to, environment, climate risk management, gender equality and social inclusion, private sector engagement and geographic analyses.
- Review progress reports from implementing partners for marine and terrestrial projects.
2. Communications
- Develop clear project summary diagrams that provide a project overview and shows how the project feeds into or relates to current US and Indonesian government policies, the Integrated the Integrated Country Strategy mission objectives, and others.
- Work with the USAID teams to develop weekly updates and work with communications teams to develop and finalize newsletters, factsheets, success stories for on-going projects and other outreach initiatives.
3. Information management and administrative systems
- Support the new client relationship management (CRM) system roll-out by organizing contacts and records.
- Analyze and improve existing filing management systems.
24. Democratic Resilience and Governance Office (DRG)
- Position available: 3 (Please see details)
The DRG office offers 3 intern positions. Each position will have different set of duties and responsibilities. Please see below the set of duties and responsibilities.
1. Unit 1 – DRG:
- Thematic Exploration: Research, explain, and apply the intricate and complicated tapestry of Indonesian law related to press freedom, tolerance and social protections, religious freedom, and labor protections, among others. Uncover the nuances of legal frameworks that shape these critical aspects of a vibrant society.
- Community Engagement: Join site visits, connect with USAID partners, and link with informational or community stakeholders who share a passion for positive change in Indonesia. Your voice matters as we collaborate to address pressing legal challenges.
- Behind-the-scenes: Peek behind the curtain of project management. Support USAID activity managers to review and track activities, all while gaining exposure to USAID’s planning processes, monitoring mechanisms, and operations to understand how our work has real-world effects.
- Your Impact, Your Story: Conclude your internship with a presentation that captures your unique experience and perspective. Share your observations, lessons learned, and recommendations. Your insights will contribute to the ongoing narrative of USAID’s commitment to a vibrant Indonesian democracy undergirding responsive and impactful governance.
2. Unit 2 – DRG:
- Thematic Exploration: Embark on a dynamic journey as a Governance Intern at USAID, contributing to the enhancement of government regulatory and policy coherence. Dive into the intricacies of planning, budgeting, and resource allocation, focusing on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of government-provided services.
- Community Engagement: Join site visits, connect with USAID partners, and link with informational or community stakeholders who share a passion for positive change in Indonesia. Your voice matters as we collaborate to address pressing governance challenges.
- Behind-the-scenes: Gain an exclusive peek into the complexities of project management. Work closely with the DRG USAID ERAT (Tata Kelola Pemerintahan yang Efektif, Efisien dan Kuat) team to review and track activities, all while gaining exposure to USAID’s planning processes, monitoring mechanisms, and operations to understand how our work has real-world effects.
- Liaise and Collaborate: Actively participate in liaising with other offices on issues related to governance and decentralization challenges. Your collaborative efforts will contribute to the broader goal of governance structures at various levels.
- Your Impact, Your Story: Conclude your internship with a presentation that captures your unique experience and perspective. Share your observations, lessons learned, and recommendations. Your insights will contribute to the ongoing narrative of USAID’s commitment to a vibrant Indonesian democracy undergirding responsive and impactful governance.
3. Unit 3 – DRG:
- Thematic Exploration: Immerse yourself in the dynamic world of youth and digital initiatives as a USAID Intern. Delve into the complexities of legal and regulatory frameworks surrounding Indonesian youth issues, exploring youth engagement, data privacy, and cyber security. Explore the vibrant landscape where youth and digital realms intersect, impacting governance and societal progress.
- Community Engagement: Join site visits, connect with USAID partners, and link with informational or community stakeholders who share a passion for positive change in Indonesia. Your voice matters as we collaborate to address pressing digital and youth challenges.
- Behind-the-scenes: Peek behind the curtain of project management. Engage in transformative activities such as the U-Challenge (a youth and digital literacy program with Meta Indonesia) and contribute to DC-managed initiatives on internet freedom (GIF), media literacy (AML), and interfaith forum and youth engagement (SHIFT). Support USAID activity managers to review and track activities, all while gaining exposure to USAID’s planning processes, monitoring mechanisms, and operations to understand how our work has real-world effects.
- Liaise and Collaborate: Actively participate in liaising with other offices on issues related to youth and digital. Your collaborative efforts will contribute to the broader goal of integrating youth perspectives and digital advancements into the governance framework.
- Your Impact, Your Story: Conclude your internship by crafting a comprehensive presentation report that captures your observations, lessons learned, best practices, and recommendations related to the implementation of the DRG portfolio. Your insights will become an integral part of USAID’s commitment to fostering youth engagement and advancing digital initiatives in Indonesia.
25. USASEAN Office
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- Support preparation of content for social media campaigns such as promoting USAID/RDMA ASEAN’s work in recognition of ASEAN Day and ASEAN-U.S. Ministerial meetings, among others.
- Select, organize, and caption photographs from project activities in Google Drive and/or Flickr account.
- Assist with internal and external publications, reviewing press releases, briefing memos, and other written materials including fact sheets.
- Provide administrative support for ASEAN team such as logistical support at events, supporting TDY visitors, google drive filing and folder organization etc.
- Updating/ maintaining information on the USASEAN website and USAID intranet
- Attend weekly team and office meetings, among others.
26. Program Office (PRO)
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- Draft content/stories for USAID/Indonesia’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages.
- Select, organize, and caption photographs from project and Mission activities in Google Drive.
- Develop social media graphics/infographics and videos.
- Develop social media analysis for regular reports.
- Support the DOC team on outreach/press events including photography and videography.
- Attend weekly team and office meetings, among others.
- Format and convert fact sheets.
27. Office of Acquisition and Assistance (OAA)
The intern will assist the section with the following set of duties:
- ASIST (Agency Secure Image and Storage Tracking) File review.
- Post Award Kick off meeting support
- C/AOR (Contracting/Agreement Officer Representative) certification review
- Data analysis on awards over the past 10 years.
2024 Foreign National Student Intern Program (FNSIP) Process Timeline:
Due to the high volume of applications received, we will only contact applicants who are being considered.
- Vacancy Announcement: January 26, 2024 – February 23, 2024
- HR reviews incoming application: February 26, 2024 – March 8, 2024
- Interviews for selected applicant(s): March 11, 2024 – March 29, 2024
- Conditional Offers: April 1, 2024 – April 5, 2024
- Clearance Process: April 15, 2024 – May 27, 2024
- Formal Offers: May 27, 2024 – May 31, 2024
- Internship First Day: June 10, 2024
- Internship Last Day: September 6, 2024 (12 weeks program) October 4, 2024 (16 weeks program)
Application Deadline :
- Vacancy announcement will be available on the Embassy’s website from January 26, 2024 – February 23, 2024
Tata Cara Melamar:
Interested applicants should submit a complete application by email to:
[email protected]
Between January 26, 2024, and February 23, 2024. Please attach the following documents to your application email (do not use a shared drive to send your application):
- Download – FNSIP Application Form (MS Word – 46 KB).
- Download – FNSIP Statement of Interest (MS Word – 32 KB).
- Academic Transcript.
- Letter of permission to intern at the Bi-Mission Indonesia from the university.
- Confirmation letter regarding personal medical insurance. (A scanned copy of your BPJS card should be sufficient. If you don’t have a BPJS, please send us the letter from your medical insurance agency).
Please indicate the section you are applying for in the subject of your email.
- Email Subject: 2024 FNSIP for (section name).
- For example: 2024 FNSIP for U.S. Embassy Jakarta – Public Affairs Section-Information Office (IO-Digital Team).
Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan, karena lowongan ini gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun.