PT CJ Foodville Bakery And Cafe Indonesia (Tous Les Jours) bergerak dalam bisnis industri roti dan café kelas premium dengan merek Tous les Jours mengembangkan bisnisnya di Indonesia. Lowongan Kerja PT CJ Foodville Bakery And Cafe Indonesia (Tous Les Jours).
Dengan menyediakan beraneka ragam kue dan roti lezat berbahan baku terbaik dan alami, serta didukung dengan teknologi pengolahan modern, Tous Les Jours yang berarti fresh baru dipanggang setiap harinya, berkomitmen untuk menyajikan roti dan kue terbaik yang digemari para pelanggan.
Daftar isi
Lowongan Kerja PT CJ Foodville Bakery And Cafe Indonesia (Tous Les Jours)
Saat ini PT CJ Foodville Bakery And Cafe Indonesia memberikan kesempatan untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
1. Franchise Development
Qualifications :
- Bachelor’s degree in Business, Marketing or related
- At least 5 years of professional experience in business expansion or business development
- Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point
- Strong skills in quality control, event planning, business planning and negotiation
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to engage, influence, and manage partner franchises
Job Description :
- Capability Transfer & Brand Expansion:
- Coordinate and execute the initial capability transfer program for brand expansion
- Facilitate capability transfer for new products through consultations with relevant personnel
- Organize supplementary training based on audit results
- Performance Management:
- Oversee the management of supply sales and royalty performance
- Provide feedback and insights on MF sales performance, identifying and resolving obstacles
- Manage in-out supply products and prices for MF, ensuring smooth operation
- Maintain and manage invoice history and receivables
- Oversee and update the manual history provided to MF companies, distributing revised versions as needed
- Ensure the security of confidential company documents
- Other Responsibilities:
- Report issues identified during regular audits to management and collaborate with MF companies to develop solutions
- Distribute materials to MF companies to provide business insights, such as marketing letters
2. Marketing Communication Supervisor
Qualifications :
- Candidate at least Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing/Communication or related
- Have working experience minimal 4 years as Marketing communication Supervisor/Senior level
- Creative, innovative, Good Communication and Negotiation skill
- Good skill in tactical promotion and promotional materials
- Love and enjoy to hang out and discover a new trending spot
- Strong knowledge in Digital Marketing and Social Media savvy
- Good understanding on overall current trends
- Excellent in English (verbal and written)
Job Description :
- Create brand awareness and marketing campaign, tactical promotion, public and media relation activities
- Create marketing promotion of master franchise
- Brand collaboration planning
- Strategizing the marketing budget campaign, promo calendar across platform
- Monitoring digital platforms and helps to pin point current trends and issues
- Ensuring campaign and tactical promos are in line with Tous les Jours identity, unique selling point and target audiences
- Analyze the competitors’ landscape of bakery brands and food beverage Industry
- Eyes for details
3. Marketing Product Staff
Qualifications :
- Bachelor degree’s majoring in Marketing or Busines Management
- At least 3-4 years’ experience in F&B Industry, especially in product marketing
- Has good coordination and communication skills
- Has good research and analytical skills
- Have a strong skill on Microsoft Excel and calculation
- Must be familiar with F&B industry
Job Descriptions :
- Create bakery product planning aligned with brand concept
- Product management: Establish in & out and renewal plans through product performance analysis
- Product planning based on market trend identification and analysis
- Collaboration across the value chain for product development, launch, and management
- Coordinate product SKU operation (new product development, new product launching, and discontinue items)
4. HR & GA Supervisor
Kualifikasi :
- Minimal S1 di bidang Manajemen SDM, Akuntansi, Hukum atau sejenisnya
- Minimal 5 tahun pengalaman di bidang HR & GA, dan 2 tahun sebagai Supervisor
- Dapat berbahasa Inggris dengan baik, baik lisan maupun tulisan
- Menguasai UU Ketenagakerjaan Indonesia serta regulasi terkait pengelolaan tenaga kerja
- Pengalaman menangani administrasi GA, seperti pengelolaan fasilitas, pemeliharaan gedung, dan pengadaan barang
- Terbiasa dengan payroll dan pengelolaan benefit karyawan serta PPh21
- Terampil menggunakan software HRIS (Talenta)
Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :
- Mengawasi proses rekrutmen dari awal hingga akhir
- Mengelola dan memproses payroll bulanan karyawan (PPH21, BPJS Kesehatan, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, serta benefit karyawan lainnya)
- Menyusun laporan terkait payroll, pajak, dan benefit
- Mengelola proses pemberian peringatan (SP), pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) dan penyusunan kontrak kerja sesuai dengan hukum ketenagakerjaan yang berlaku
- Mengawasi kegiatan General Affair seperti pengelolaan aset perusahaan, pemeliharaan gedung, kendaraan operasional, dan peralatan kerja
- Memastikan semua fasilitas dan utilitas kantor, seperti listrik, air, AC, dan kebersihan, berfungsi dengan baik dan memenuhi kebutuhan operasional
- Memelihara sistem HRIS untuk memastikan data karyawan terkait payroll, pajak, dan benefit, tetap akurat dan up-to-date
- Bekerja sama dengan manajemen dan departemen terkait untuk menyusun Key Performance Indicators (KPI) yang sesuai dengan tujuan dan target perusahaan
5. HSE Staff
Qualifications :
- Bachelor degree’s majoring in K3/Public health/Environmental
- Minimum 1-2 years of experience as an HSE Staff preferably in Retail F&B Industry
- Must have K3 Umum certification
- Good communicaiton skill
- Strong knowledge about K3/HSE
Job Description :
- Monitoring and review pest control at Store and Head Office
- Responsibility for safety/K3 in company
- Handle water filter for drinking system quality monthly or new installment
- Do safety inspection to store monthly
- Controling APAR condition and expired date
- Give training about Health, Safety Environment and Cleanliness
- Create SOP about HSE
- Recap invoice pest control, water filter and APAR
Tata Cara Melamar:
If you are interested to join our teams, please kindly to apply this position and send your updated CV :
E-mail :
or you can also apply directly through this link: APPLY
- Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan, karena lowongan ini gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun
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