PT Medifarma Laboratories – Karir dan Info


PT Medifarma Laboratories – Karir dan Info

PT Medifarma Laboratories adalah perusahaan farmasi yang berkantor pusat di Indonesia. Kantor pusatnya berada di Depok, di pinggiran selatan Jakarta, ibu kota Indonesia. Didirikan pada tahun 1975, fasilitas produksi kami saat ini seluas 36.595 m2. Berikut ini adalah Lowongan Kerja PT Medifarma Laboratories.

Fasilitas produksi dan operasi kami telah disertifikasi oleh Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Indonesia, dengan standar praktik manufaktur yang ditetapkan sesuai dengan standar Praktik Manufaktur yang Baik saat ini serta memenuhi standar yang dipersyaratkan oleh Skema Kerjasama Inspeksi Farmasi (PIC/s) dan Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO).

Medifarma mengekspor produknya ke Filipina, Singapura, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Kamboja, dan Vietnam. Kami berkomitmen untuk mempertahankan standar kualitas tertinggi untuk semua yang kami produksi.

Lowongan Kerja PT Medifarma Laboratories

Saat ini PT Medifarma Laboratories memberikan kesempatan untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:

1. Operational Excellence Specialist

Requirement :

  • Bachelor’s degree from Industrial/Management Engineering
  • Minimum 2-3 years of working experience in a related field in Manufacturing Company, preferably Pharmaceutical/Food Industry
  • Experience with training/background in operational excellence & LEAN; SQC Tools, Six Sigma & Lean Sigma Belt holder
  • Individual Contributor
  • Fluent in English both speaking and writing

Job Description :

  • Leads Operational Excellence Boot Camps, Assessment and initiatives for the plants
  • Leads/Supports Budget planning, direction setting and KRA setting exercises for the division
  • Handles capacity management and volume analysis requirements for plants
  • Ensures that reports for key performance indicators are generated monthly
  • Ensure that all requests for master recipe and production versions are generated and updated
  • Leads project requirements initiated by Plant Head

2. MTU Supervisor

Requirement :

  • Apothecary with minimum 2 – 3 years working experiences
  • Has received training and understands Good Manufacturing Practices (CPOB) and the Halal Assurance System (SJH)
  • Have leadership skills
  • Have active command of the English language

Job Description :

  • Reviewing formulas and supporting documents to be worked on by the subordinate can be applied in laboratory scale and pilot scale experiments
  • Carry out subordinate supervision in conducting formula experiments on both a laboratory scale and a pilot scale
  • Prepare Bill of Material and Bill of Operation (BOMBOO) for the calculation of COGS calculations and inform Finance
  • Participates in reviewing and providing recommendations for changes in specifications for finished drugs, specifications for raw materials and specifications for packaging materials used.
  • Perform status updates related to the NPD, ASD, Improvement and Reformulation and Technology Transfer projects
  • Reviewing the Proof Print from MTU Packaging Development
  • Review the Standard Operating Procedure of the MTU department and ensure that it is carried out correctly

3. QA Supervisor

Requirement :

  • Apothecary with minimum 2-3 years experience
  • Responsible, hard worker, fast learner, and strong leadership
  • Able to work individually and with team as well
  • Have received training and understand the Good Manufacturing Practices (CPOB)
  • Fluent in English both speaking and writing

Job Description :

  • Providing input to the QA Manager in making the Validation Program and matters related to Validation for the preparation of Budget Quality Assurance
  • Prepare process validation protocols and reports for the production scale and pilot scale for existing products, validate procedures for cleaning equipment and machines
  • Coordinate with related Supervisors in carrying out Process Validation, Validation of equipment and machine cleaning procedures and Validation of Supporting Facilities
  • Coordinate with the IT Department in preparing and implementing computerized system validation
  • Monitor the implementation of sampling, testing and inspection during the validation process in accordance with SOP

4. QC Pharmacist Staff

Requirement :

  • Apothecary with minimum 1-2 years experience
  • Responsible, hard worker, fast learner, and strong leadership
  • Able to work individually and with team as well
  • Have received training and understand the Good Manufacturing Practices (CPOB)
  • Fluent in English both speaking and writing

Job Description :

  • Responsible for conducting all testing to sample P&G according to procedures / SOP that has been approved along with using specification-met tools and materials
  • Assist QC Manager in managing all activites and human resources available in order to optimize output of QC Department
  • Review disposition of Stability and Managing storage and scheduling stability sampling
  • Prepare protocol and P&G stability testing report
  • Monitor the temperature and temperature of the chamber and reviewing data from thermohygro, as well as evaluating if there is a deviation
  • Actively participate in supporting “best practice” execution available in PT. Medifarma Laboratories

5. QA Validation Staff

Requirement :

  • Apothecary with experience in the same role
  • High motivated, responsible, hard worker, and fast learner
  • Able to work individually and with team as well
  • Have received training and understand the Good Manufacturing Practices (CPOB)
  • Fluent in English both speaking and writing

Job Description :

  • Create protocol document and monitoring of process validation, packaging validation,cleaning validation, performance qualification or computerised system validation
  • Recording validation data in accordance with the validation protocol
  • Perform physical testing checks during process validation, packaging validation or cleaning validation according to the validation protocol
  • Assist the QA Validation and Calibration Supervisor in providing training to other inspectors

6. Business Development Senior Staff

Requirement :

  • Apothecary with experience in the same role
  • High motivated, responsible, hard worker, and fast learner
  • Able to work individually and with team as well
  • Have received training and understand the Good Manufacturing Practices (CPOB)
  • Fluent in English both speaking and writing

Job Description :

  • Helping Buss.Dev Supervisor communicate with customers regarding New Product Development
  • Responsible with Medifarma’s internal team regarding New Product Development
  • Helping Buss.Dev Supervisor in monitoring the progress of New Product Development and ensuring all stages have been carried out according to the time line agreed upon with the customer
  • Hold monthly meetings with all internal teams to discuss the progress of New Product Development
  • Carry out other duties assigned from time to time by BD Supervisor

7. QC IPC Inspector

Requirement :

  • Minimal Sekolah Menengah Farmasi atau Sekolah Menengah Analis Kimia
  • Memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman mengenai pekerjaan yang sama lebih disukai
  • Telah mendapatkan pelatihan Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik
  • Dapat bekerja secara tim ataupun individu

Job Description :

  • Melakukan sampling dan inspeksi pada awal, pertengahan, dan akhir proses produksi atau selama proses produksi pada produk antara, ruahan, dan jadi sesuai dengan prosedur yang berlaku
  • Membuat laporan hasil inspeksi pada awal, pertengahan, dan akhir proses produksi atau selama proses produksi pada produk antara, ruahan dan jadi
  • Mencatat temuan dan penyimpangan yang ditemukan selama melakukan sampling & inspeksi dalam form yang telah ditentukan, dan melaporkannya kepada QC In-Process Control Coordinator atau QC Supervisor

8. QC Analyst RM

Requirement :

  • Minimal Sekolah Menengah Atas dan yang sederajat atau Sekolah Menengah Analis Kimia atau Sekolah Menengah Analis Kesehatan
  • Dapat bekerja secara tim ataupun individu
  • Telah mendapatkan pelatihan dan memahami Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik

Job Description :

  • Melakukan pengujian fisika, kimia, dan mikrobiologi terhadap sample bahan baku, produk jadi dan pembuatan laporannya
  • Melakukan pengembangan metode analisa baru, validasi metode analisa dan pembuatan laporannya
  • Melakukan pencatatan pada logbook/ logsheet terhadap semua aktivitas
  • Melakukan verifikasi terhadap alat ukur (neraca analistis, ph meter, konduktiviti meter, dll)
  • Melakukan pembuatan pereaksi sekunder termasuk indikator kimia dalam pengujian

9. QC Analyst Stability

Requirement :

  • Minimal Sekolah Menengah Atas dan sederajat atau Sekolah Menengah Analis Kimia atau Sekolah Menengah Analis Kesehatan
  • Dapat bekerja secara tim ataupun individu
  • Telah mendapatkan pelatihan dan memahami Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik

Job Description :

  • Melakukan pengujian fisika-kimia terhadap sample produk jadi dan pembuatan laporannya 
  • Melakukan pencatatan pada logbook/ logsheet terhadap semua aktivitas 
  • Melakukan verifikasi terhadap alat ukur (neraca analistis, ph meter, konduktiviti meter, dll)
  • Melakukan pembuatan perekasi sekunder termasuk indikator kimia dalam pengujian

10. Warehouse RM Staff

Requirement :

  • Minimal SMU atau sederajat
  • Pengalaman kerja minimal 1 (satu) tahun sebagai Warehouse Staff
  • Telah mendapatkan pelatihan Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik (CPOB)
  • Terbiasa dalam bekerja secara tim atau individu

Job Description :

  • Menerima, menyimpan dan mengirimkan produk dengan baik dan benar sesuai SOP
  • Memisahkan material antara status Quarantine dengan status Released dan menempatkannya sesuai dengan area masing-masing
  • Memastikan kesesuaian data antara sistem, lembar kerja dan fisik barang saat serah terima barang
  • Inventory Record Accuracy (IRA) 100% pada area tangggung jawabnya
  • Membantu petugas QC, untuk mengembalikan hasil sampling pada wadahnya
  • Mengirim permintaan material yang “siap kirim” ke produksi
  • Membantu Warehouse Supervisor untuk pemenuhan target CAPA sehingga dapat terpenuhi sebelum due date

Tata Cara Melamar:

Bagi peserta yang ingin melamar dan memenuhi kriteria, segera melakukan registrasi melalui link di bawah :

1. Operational Excellence Specialist


2. MTU Supervisor


3. QA Supervisor


4. QC Pharmacist Staff


5. QA Validation Staff


6. Business Development Senior Staff


7. QC IPC Inspector


8. QC Analyst RM


9. QC Analyst Stability


10. Warehouse RM Staff



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