PT Multi Tambangjaya Utama (MUTU) adalah perusahaan pertambangan batu bara termal dan batu bara metalurgi bituminous yang berlokasi di Kalimantan Tengah, memiliki PKP2B (Perjanjian Kontrak Karya Pertambangan Batubara) generasi ke-3 dengan area konsesi yang luas mencapai 24.970 hektar. Sejak memulai produksi pada tahun 2016, MUTU telah menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang luar biasa dan mencapai laba rekord pada tahun 2022. Lowongan Kerja PT Multi Tambangjaya Utama.
Untuk rencana produksi penambangan batubara PT. MTU perlu dilakukan analisis kestabilan lereng agar dapat memberikan rekomendasi geoteknik untuk menunjang kegiatan penambangan dalam hal kemantapan lereng untuk penggalian batubara dan mengurangi potensi kelongsoran lereng.
Kajian geoteknik ini dilakukan pada blok Malintut 2. Sebelum pit ini dapat berproduksi maka perlu diadakan studi geoteknik untuk mempelajari karakteristik massa batuan di daerah calon blok Malintut 2. Dari studi geoteknik tersebut dapat ditentukan geometri jenjang yang aman. Berdasarkan pertimbangan kondisi topografi dan geologi serta menyesuaikan rencana penambangan seam batubara yang ada, maka pengeboran untuk pengambilan data geoteknik dilakukan pada tiga titik lubang bor yaitu MTU-GT02A, MTU-GT04, MTU-GT12.
Daftar isi
Lowongan Kerja PT Multi Tambangjaya Utama (MUTU)
Saat ini PT Multi Tambangjaya Utama memberikan kesempatan lowongan kerja untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
1. GIS & Database Engineer
Requirement :
- Possessed minimum Diploma/Bachelor Degree related
- At least 2 years of working experience in the related field
- Preferably have experience in mining industry
- Good understanding about Coal Mining operation activities
- Willing to be placed in any site of companys project
2. Mine Plan Engineer
Requirement :
- Possessed minimum Diploma/Bachelor Degree related
- At least 2 years of working experience in the related field
- Preferably have experience in mining industry
- Good understanding about Coal Mining operation activities
- Willing to be placed in any site of companys project
3. Drill & Blast Engineer
Requirement :
- Possessed minimum Diploma/Bachelor Degree related of working experience in the related field
- Preferably have experience in mining industry
- Good understanding about Coal Mining operation activities
- Willing to be placed in any site of companys project
4. Mine Operations Engineer
Requirement :
- Possessed minimum Diploma/Bachelor Degree related of working experience in the related field
- Preferably have experience in mining industry
- Good understanding about Coal Mining operation activities
- Willing to be placed in any site of companys project
5. CPP & Stockpile Management Superintendent
Requirement :
- Possessed minimum Diploma/Bachelor Degree related
- At least 7 years of working experience in the related field
- Preferably have experience in mining industry
- Good understanding about Coal Mining operation activities
- Willing to be placed in any site of companys project
6. CPP & Stockpile Management Officer
Requirement :
- Possessed minimum Diploma/Bachelor Degree related
- At least 2 years of working experience in the related field
- Preferably have experience in mining industry
- Good understanding about Coal Mining operation activities
- Willing to be placed in any site of companys project
7. HSE Officer
Requirement :
- Possessed minimum Diploma/Bachelor Degree related
- At least 2 years of working experience in the related field
- Preferably have experience in mining industry
- Good understanding about Coal Mining operation activities
- Willing to be placed in any site of companys project
8. Safety Supervisor
Requirement :
- Possessed minimum Diploma/Bachelor Degree related
- At least 4 years of working experience in the related field
- Preferably have experience in mining industry
- Good understanding about Coal Mining operation activities
- Willing to be placed in any site of companys project
9. CSR & Community Relations Office
Requirement :
- Possessed minimum Diploma/Bachelor Degree related
- At least 2 years of working experience in the related field
- Preferably have experience in mining industry
- Good understanding about Coal Mining operation activities
- Willing to be placed in any site of companys project
10. Litigation Specialist
Requirement :
- Possessed minimum Diploma/Bachelor Degree related
- At least 4 years of working experience in the related field
- Preferably have experience in mining industry
- Good understanding about Coal Mining operation activities
- Willing to be placed in any site of companys project
11. Land Acquisition Officer
Requirement :
- Possessed minimum Diploma/Bachelor Degree related
- At least 2 years of working experience in the related field
- Preferably have experience in mining industry
- Good understanding about Coal Mining operation activities
- Willing to be placed in any site of companys project
12. Hauling Officer
Requirement :
- Possessed minimum Diploma/Bachelor Degree related
- At least 2 years of working experience in the related field
- Preferably have experience in mining industry
- Good understanding about Coal Mining operation activities
- Willing to be placed in any site of companys project
13. Road Maintenance Officer
Requirement :
- Possessed minimum Diploma/Bachelor Degree related
- At least 2 years of working experience in the related field
- Preferably have experience in mining industry
- Good understanding about Coal Mining operation activities
- Willing to be placed in any site of companys project
14. Surveyor
Requirement :
- Possessed minimum Diploma/Bachelor Degree related
- At least 2 years of working experience in the related field
- Preferably have experience in mining industry
- Good understanding about Coal Mining operation activities
- Willing to be placed in any site of companys project
15. Trainer
Requirement :
- Possessed minimum Diploma/Bachelor Degree related
- At least 2 years 4 years of working experience in the related field
- Preferably have experience in mining industry
- Good understanding about Coal Mining operation activities
- Willing to be placed in any site of companys project
16. Finance & Accounting Officer
Requirement :
- Possessed minimum Diploma/Bachelor Degree related
- At least 2 years of working experience in the related field
- Preferably have experience in mining industry
- Good understanding about Coal Mining operation activities
- Willing to be placed in any site of companys project
17. Geotech Engineer
Requirement :
- Possessed minimum Diploma/Bachelor Degree related
- At least 2 years of working experience in the related field
- Preferably have experience in mining industry
- Good understanding about Coal Mining operation activities
- Willing to be placed in any site of companys project
Tata Cara Melamar:
Jika tertarik dan memenuhi persyaratan silakan kirimkan berkas lamaran anda melalui email berikut ini :
E-mail : &
Subject line : (Position) – (Full Name)
- Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan, karena lowongan ini gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun.
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