PT Soechi Lines Tbk – Karir & Info


PT Soechi Lines Tbk – Karir & Info

PT Soechi Lines Tbk merupakan perusahaan yang berbasis di Indonesia yang utamanya bergerak dalam transportasi laut. Perusahaan memiliki dan mengoperasikan beberapa jenis kapal, termasuk kapal tanker minyak, tanker kimia, kapal pengangkut gas, serta kapal FSO (floating, storage, dan offloading). Lowongan Kerja PT Soechi Lines Tbk.

Perusahaan menawarkan kapal-kapalnya untuk disewa berdasarkan perjalanan (voyage charter) dan disewa berdasarkan waktu pemakaian (time charter). Perusahaan juga menyediakan layanan galangan (shipyard), seperti perbaikan, pemeliharaan, dan pembangunan kapal. 

Galangannya terletak di pulau Karimun, Indonesia. Anak perusahaannya termasuk PT Armada Bumi Pratiwi Line, Success International Marine Pte Ltd, dan PT Multi Ocean Shipyard.

Menawarkan layanan yang saling terkait dalam transportasi minyak, gas, dan kimia, SOECHI Lines baru-baru ini mengoperasikan 35 kapal dengan total hampir 1 juta DWT, mulai dari ukuran kecil (1,500 DWT) hingga VLCC (308,000 DWT), dan mencakup beberapa rute dari domestik Indonesia , Asia Tenggara, hingga India/Timur Tengah.

Lowongan Kerja PT Soechi Lines Tbk

Saat ini PT Soechi Lines Tbk memberikan kesempatan lowongan kerja untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:

1. Asset Management Assistant Manager

Key Responsibility :

  • Make a report of routine expenses / costs
  • Prepare operational budget proposal
  • Make a report on actual operational budget
  • Provide management weekly and monthly reports
  • Ensure complete approval for each and every add. fund form and check that the expense has been entered in the correct item code for each additional fund application.
  • Processing and analyze data as the basis for calculating KPIs for all dept.
  • Generate actual target appeal reports for revenue and costs
  • Make a summary report on the use of incidental budgets

Requirements :

  • Candidate must possess at least Bachelor / Master Degree in Accounting/ Management/Economics or equivalent.
  • At least 3 Year(s) of working experience in the similar field is required for this position.
  • Able to operate computer (proficient in Ms. Excel)
  • Possess good communications and negotiation skills

2. Accounting Assistant Manager

Kualifikasi :

  • Pendidikan minimal S1 Akutansi
  • Memiliki pengalaman 2-3 tahun sebagai Assistant Manager Accounting
  • Pengalaman dengan membuat laporan keuangan
  • Memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam Ms Excel

Tanggung jawab umum :

  • Membantu Accounting Manager menyusun target jangka panjang dalam 5 tahun ke depan dan dituangkan dalam target jangka pendek tahunan (Business Plan) untuk departemen yang berada di bawah kewenangannya sesuai dengan data-data yang ada.
  • Membuat SOP yang terkait dengan bagian yang berada di bawah kewenangannya dan memastikan prosedur tersebut mendukung pencapaian target organisasi yang sudah ditetapkan sebelumnya
  • Membuat pengajuan biaya operasional, memastikan efisiensi biaya, pemanfaatan biaya yang sudah diberikan sesuai dengan kebijakan otorisasi dan sistem budgeting.
  • Memeriksa cash dan bank voucher 
  • Membuat AR credit note (jika ada pemasukan uang dari customer)
  • Memeriksa PO/PR dari unit kerja lain
  • Memeriksa account coding & project code di PI, bank dan cash voucher
  • Melakukan pengmeriksaanan rekonsiliasi bank yang dibuat oleh finance
  • Membuat jurnal kas kapal, jurnal variable costing buat outsource, jurnal PPN in / out serta memeriksa laporan PPN untuk memastikan keakuratan berdasarkan laporan penjualan
  • Melakukan rekonsiliasi account di neraca dan maintain kertas kerjanya
  • Memeriksa check-list closing untuk memastikan item sudah close /  outstanding

3. Ship Operation Support Staff

Key Responsibilities :

  • Prepare the completeness of tender documents
  • Registering vendor registration
  • Conducting recapitulation related to VAT
  • Make a contract addendum related to chartering cooperation (TCP) and carry out follow-up when necessary
  • Make and follow up the ship contract addendum when needed
  • Completing administration documents & correspondence related to tender and contract

Requirements :

  • Minimum Bachelor/Diploma degree in Management/Transportation/Shipping or any related major
  • Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
  • Fluent in both written and verbal English and Bahasa Indonesia.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skill.

4. General Affair Sr. Staff (Purchaser)

Job Details :

  • Handling Purchasing for General Affair Section.
  • Make regular payments for office and director expenses.
  • Payment process for routine service charges related to office operations.
  • Creating PO / PR needs for General Affairs, HRD, and IT departments.
  • Provide services for office stationary requests.
  • Ensuring scheduled maintenance for office infrastructure, company vehicles and any other project currently handled by GA team.

Requirement :

  • At least 1 year of working experience as purchaser is required. 
  • Familiar to implement General Affair duties and familiar to deal with vendor.
  • Able to join within 1 (one) month notice.
  • Placement : Sahid Sudirman Center, Central Jakarta

5. Account Receivable Sr. Staff

Kualifikasi :

  • Minimal D3/S1 Accounting
  • Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang finance / accounting
  • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (familiar dengan program Ms. Office – Ms. Excel)
  • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik (untuk koordinasi dengan charterer)
  • Bersedia untuk melakukan perjalanan dinas jika diperlukan
  • Mampu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris secara lisan ataupun tertulis

Deskripsi Pekerjaan :

  • Meminta B/L (bill of landing) ke bagian marketing & operation sebagai dasar untuk pencetakan penagihan kepada charterer
  • Menghitung nilai tagihan yang tertera di B/L sesuai dokumen yang masuk dari marketing
  • Membuat invoice (dipastikan terlebih dahulu untuk akurasi data sebelum pencetakan)
  • Meminta approval dari direksi (CEO, shipping director, finance director) untuk setiap invoice penagihan yang akan dikirimkan ke charterer
  • Melakukan komunikasi dengan charterer untuk menginformasikan perihal penagihan
  • Koordinasi dengan finance dept. terkait dengan invoice yang akan dibayar
  • Melakukan pencatatan pada buku tagihan (log book dept – khusus penagihan)
  • Penempatan : Sahid Sudirman Center, Jakarta Pusat

6. Docking Superintendent

Key Responsibility :

  • Prepare details of dry docking work and manage activities during docking activities
  • Conduct regular/ad-hoc inspections/audits to ensure compliance with regulations, class requirements and company policies
  • Implement a dry-docking work plan to suit the time set and the scope of work to be carried out
  • Monitor shipyard performance, documentation and records during dry-dock ship
  • The results of the work from the shipyard / contractor according to the initial docking plan (docking plan)
  • The accuracy / accuracy of repairs / work results meet quality standards
  • Coordinate and act as a liaison between the head office and the shipyard
  • Carry out analysis for dry docking budget (efficiency and accuracy)
  • Perform analysis and comparison of incoming offers. The final incoming/outgoing budget will be presented to management for evaluation
  • Attending docking activities carried out in accordance with their duties and responsibilities

Requirements :

  • Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in Marine Engineering, Naval Engineering or equivalent Engineering background
  • At least 4 Year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Preferably Supervisor/Asst. Manager Level specialized in Maritime / Construction / Shipyard Industry
  • Proficient in operation of Primavera Software or Ms. Project is a must
  • Strong analytical skills and details oriented
  • Required language(s): Bahasa Indonesia, English

7. Survey & Certification Staff

Key Responsibility :

  • Manage every certification required by vessels to be able to sail properly and according to regulations.
  • Ensure that every certificate owned by the vessel is in an active condition and does not pass the expiration date
  • Maintain up-to-date records of PSC inspections and follow up on vessel shortages (coordinate with Marine Superintendent)
  • Accessing the vessel certificate database
  • Determine locations for conducting ship surveys and other surveys related to ship certification
  • Check and ensure that monthly reports from vessels are received in a timely manner

Requirements :

  • Diploma or Bachelor Degree from Port & Shipping Management (preferable) / Maritime Studies
  • At least 1 Year of working experience in ship certification , fresh graduate is welcome to apply
  • Solid knowledge of ship certificate
  • Possess good communication and interpersonal skills with outstanding proficiency in English
  • Proactive with good problem-solving skills, resourceful and able to work towards deadlines with right sense of urgency

8. Docking Admin

Kualifikasi :

  • pendidikan minimal D3
  • Memiliki keterampilan untuk melakukan dokumentasi secara rapi dan baik
  • Menguasai operasional komputer (Ms. Office)
  • Menguasai bahasa inggris lisan-tulisan
  • Domisili: Batam

Tanggung jawab :

  • Mengurus dokumen perjalanan dinas team docking. Memeriksa: Surat tugas, form biaya perjalanan, hotel, tiket pesawat, sewa kendaraan dan perlengkapan pendukung lainnya.
  • Melakukan pengecekan kelengkapan dokumen dan mengurus penyelesaian perjalanan dinas dari personil departemen yang telah melakukan perjalanan dinas.
  • Memeriksa kelengkapan dokumen yang akan masuk ke VP sebelum diberikan approval
  • Menyusun keperluan perjalanan dinas untuk teknisi dari luar (sub-kontraktor)
  • Melakukan pembuatan rekapan PR (Payment Request)
  • Melakukan pekerjaan lain yang diberikan atasan, terkait dengan area kerjanya

9. Crewing Assistant Manager

Main Responsibility :

  • Sourcing, scouting and selecting crew based on vessel requirement
  • Making register and registering application document of crew candidate including important document such as seaman book, passport, certificate, checkup
  • Sending crew candidate data in accordance with competency to the Marine Superintendent or Technical Superintendent for early interview – Assisting & ensuring all documents valid as per STCW 2010
  • Making report of Crewing and Recruitment activities (numbers of crews recruited and resigned during report period, the vessels, crew level.)
  • Reviewing the Man Power Planning for Deck Department and Following up on Crew Promotions
  • Cover any additional job orders as and when instructed by Crewing Manager 

Requirements :

  • Diploma or Bachelor Degree from maritime studies, ANT II will be preferred
  • At least 3 Year(s) of working experience in crewing area
  • Preferably candidate with experience in manning agency
  • Solid knowledge of maritime laws and regulation
  • Possess good communication and interpersonal skills with outstanding proficiency in English
  • Proactive with good problem-solving skills, resourceful and able to work towards deadlines with right sense of urgency
  • Able to join within 1 month notice

10. Vessel Operation and Commercial Officer

Job Details :

  • Updating vessel locations (Time arrival, departure, berthing.)
  • Provide and distribute vessel daily report update to related Dept. (Marine, Technical, Purchasing, Logistic)
  • Follow up for every incoming request from charterer
  • Ensuring logistic supply are timely manner (Bunker, fresh water.)
  • Process payments to vendors for every invoices related to ship operations activity
  • Ensuring each vessel comply with charterer requirement
  • Collecting cargo document for each voyage
  • Negotiate and meeting with other department and client regarding charter process

Requirements :

  • Bachelor Degree Marine Engineering / Naval Architect / Industrial Engineering / Management or any relevant major
  • 1 year working experience as commercial operation staff in shipping company, experienced in handling cable ship will be preferred
  • Possess good communication and negotiation skills
  • English fluency both oral & written
  • Proficient in using Microsoft Office package
  • Willing to travel if required

11. Docking Staff

Job Description :

  • Interfaces between engineering company, shipyard, installation contractor, vendors, charterer and class
  • Ensuring that the design, engineering and execution of work are carried out safely and to a high standard
  • Preparing dry-dock scope of work and managing dry-dockings execution are carried out properly
  • Analysis of upcoming shipyard quotations.
  • Monitoring shipyard’s / docking performance,
  • Responsible for documentation and records during vessel dry-dock

Qualification :

  • Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in Marine Engineering/Naval Architecture
  • At least 1 Year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position, fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  • Familiar with dry docking process
  • Proficient in operating Primavera, Ms. Project, AutoCAD, Ansys, Maxsurf
  • Willing to travel frequently
  • Work Location: Batam

12. Technical Superintendent (ATT 1)

Key Responsibilities :

  • Ensuring vessels in operational condition by providing a thorough treatment from technical aspect by implement PMS (Planned Maintenance System)
  • Monitoring and establishing reason for excessive/unusual wear and tear and develop prevention through consultation with technical manager
  • Monitoring technical performance of the assigned vessel and consumption of spares, lube Oils, and bunkers to ensure these conditions are not caused by poor condition of the vessel
  • Monitoring survey cycle, statutory survey requirement and carrying out direct survey on board
  • Provide solutions to the problems that occurred on the vessels from the technical side, carry out periodic surveys on the condition of the vessels and controlling demand for goods needed by the vessels
  • Monitor the implementation of SOP

Challenge :

  • Limited maintenance and repair times and cannot interfere with the charter time requested by charterer
  • Maintenance that carried out needs to refer to the budget provided, especially quality compared to the amount of available budget
  • The time for repairs between one ship to another
  • Implementation of a ship maintenance record system in fulfilling requests or analysis of the demand requirements of ships

Qualification :

  • Candidate must possess at least Bachelor Degree/Master Degree in Maritime Studies – ATT 1 (Ahli Teknika Tingkat-1) Certified
  • Sailing experience as Chief Engineer or 2nd Engineer in tanker at least 2 contract
  • Required skills : Ship Management, ISM Code, ISPS Code, International Convention Regulation
  • Possess good analytical and logical thinking skills, detail oriented and proactive for continuous improvement
  • Fluency in English is required for this position

13. Crewing Training Admin

Job Description :

  • Handle crewing training and development administration.
  • Handle cadetship development
  • Archive all department/division documents and reports
  • Create Purchase Order (PO) and Purchase Request (PR)
  • Maintain updated travel records for Crewing personnel
  • Assist Crewing personnel on every official trip, including expense reports.
  • Help maintain department division data

Requirement :

  • D3/S1 from all majors
  • Proficient in using Ms. Office (Excel & Word)
  • Fluent in English, spoken and written
  • Available to join ASAP
  • Have at least 1 year experience in Admin position
  • Placement : Jakarta Pusat

14. Internship Finance, Accounting, & Tax

Requirements :

  • Candidate must currently on going Bachelor Degree study in Finance-Accounting (7-8 Semester)
  • No work experience required.
  • Able to operate computer (Ms.Excel)
  • Have a good communication, active and passion in Finance
  • Applicant must be willing to work in Sahid Sudirman Center
  • Can join immediately

15. Crewing – Operation

Key Responsibilities :

  • Verify crew documents (certificates complete & valid) and ensure all respective approvals from direct user are in order including Security clearance
  • Verify the data in company crewing system is updated for all important items like passport, seaman book, STCW 2010 certificates, ECDIS, Next of kin, etc.
  • Follow up on the pre-joining medical result. Plan & organize pre-joining briefing with office staff
  • Ensure most reliable & economical logistic arrangement by agent for the crew change
  • Prepare complete document departing crew (crew transport, mutation, Seaman books, Medical Report, etc.)
  • Assist to payroll dept. for portage bills preparation
  • Follow up with manager on two monthly crew due planner
  • Ensuring pre-approvals are there for agent quotation and respective dues are followed up accordingly with the crewing accounts
  • Maintain vessel monthly reports & ensuring all sign off crew appraisal are uploaded in the Company crewing system after respective review

Requirements :

  • Diploma or Bachelor Degree from Port & Shipping Management (preferable) / Maritime Studies
  • At least 1 Year of working experience in crewing area, fresh graduate is welcome to apply
  • Solid knowledge of maritime regulation
  • Possess good communication and interpersonal skills with outstanding proficiency in English
  • Proactive with good problem-solving skills, resourceful and able to work towards deadlines with right sense of urgency
  • Able to join within 1-month notice

Tata Cara Melamar:

Jika tertarik dan memenuhi persyaratan lowongan kerja Lowongan Kerja PT Soechi Lines Tbk ini, Silahkan mendaftar secara online, melalui link dibawah ini :


  • Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan, karena lowongan ini gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun..

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